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Lucernové pelety

Alfalfa Fiber Pellet:
NL                   10-12 %
Vláknina          30-32 %
Vlhkosť            11-12 %
NDF (Neutral Detergent Fibre) < 68 %
ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin)     < 14 %

Alfalfa High-Protein Pellet:
NL                   17-20 %
Vláknina               26 %
Vlhkosť              < 12 %
NDF (Neutral Detergent Fibre)  < 50 %
ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin)      < 10 %


Alfalfa Fiber Pellet is a fibrous pellet particularly well suited for the formulation of diets with moderate energy content for monogastric ruminants. AlfalfaFiber is composed of forages harvested at the first cutting. The low protein, calcium and potassium content make it particularly suitable for the rations of cows in the dry stage, and especially for formulating diets for the steaming-up stage that provide the right mineral balance to prevent hypocalcaemia and other postpartum disorders. AlfalfaFiber is also suitable for the dietary rations of young replacement animals.

Alfalfa High-Protein Pellet is a forage produced from the summer cuttings of our alfalfa fields, and is an excellent base for providing quality nutrients, especially to lactating animals. It combines a substantial protein content with a good-quality fibre fraction, rich in pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The protein fractions are well balanced, with an amino-acid profile of high biological value. The fibre fraction, notwithstanding the small particle size, provides valuable amounts of structural fermentable carbohydrates that help contain the overall starch load of the ration. Alfalfa High-Protein Pellet has been formulated to provide up to 15% of the total dry matter in the rations of lactating cattle with medium/high yields, and in the rations for lactating sheep, goats, rabbits, horses, pigs and poultry. The excellent palatability and the quality of the fibre component make it a useful ingredient for the modern rations of commercial livestock used in milk production. The composition of the product also makes it competitive with other food sources as a protein ration for beef cattle.